Whether you operate a small roadside motel or a large name brand property, we’re willing to bet that housekeeping is one of the most challenging aspects of running your hotel! Whether it is managing the schedule of your housekeeping team or maintaining the high cleanliness standards that your guests expect when arriving, it can often be a headache dealing with the housekeeping side of your business! The exciting news is that our professional software can help manage this chaos! Here are the top 4 ways to take advantage of our housekeeping software for hotels:
1. Focus On the Bigger Picture As Our Software Handles the Small Details
Our housekeeping software for hotels allows you to focus on the bigger picture as it handles all the small details of running your hotel! Let our software do the work so that your primary focus can be on the success of your property. Our housekeeping software can help with scheduling, payroll, inspections and much more! You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see how much more time you have on your hands when you let our software do the work for you!
2. Utilize the Software for All of Your Housekeeper Scheduling Needs
Another one of the top ways to take advantage of our housekeeping software for hotels is to utilize the software for all of your housekeeping scheduling needs! You’ll easily be able to schedule your housekeeping staff so that they are available on all of your busiest days, making sure that your guests can check-in on time to a clean room! Our scheduling tools also help you to schedule any necessary maintenance visits, as well as any inspections that may be required.
3. Put All of Your Reports In One Convenient Place
When it comes to running a hotel, just like many other businesses, one of the major nuisances is all of the paperwork! The fabulous news is that our housekeeping software for hotels puts all of your reports in one convenient place! You’ll appreciate this level of organization where everything is easy to find, including invoices, payroll, productivity, inventory, inspections and more! You’ll know longer have to worry about your reports being all over the place!
4. Provide Our Powerful Mobile App to Your Staff
The best way to keep your housekeeping staff in the loop at all times is by providing our powerful mobile app to your entire team! You’ll be able to keep track of your staff with ease and can easily communicate in real time. You can also set productivity expectations for each housekeeping service, as well as set up a housekeeper grading scorecard! This is similar to a report card, but for professionals! This allows you to provide detailed feedback on areas of improvement so that your hotel can thrive!
Check out a demo of our housekeeping software for hotels today to see for yourself how our software can help make your life easier! We look forward to helping you manage the chaos of running a successful hotel!