As any business owner knows, it’s important to not sweat the small stuff. If you do, then you are taking precious time away from the bigger issues that need to be resolved. However, some of the minuscule problems now could turn into bigger problems in the future. Therefore, it’s important to find those areas of improvement before it’s too late. Here are 4 small issues that can lead to big problems for your housekeeping service:
1. High Cleaner Turnover
In the housekeeping industry, it’s common to lose employees from time to time. There are so many opportunities out there, including competitor companies, starting their own venture, or changing career paths altogether. The point is, there is no reason to stress when losing a small number of employees. With that being said, having too high of a turnover rate can drastically hurt your business if you aren’t careful. If you have a mass exodus of employees, you might want to start looking at things such as pay grade, employee communication, and working conditions. As you know, your business is only as successful as your employees.
2. Poor Customer Service
As a housekeeping service, if you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business. That is why it’s important to keep your existing clients as satisfied as possible. When it comes to house cleaning, there are always going to be small issues with customers, such as an area not getting cleaned as well as previous times, or improper cleaning charges. The important thing to remember is to address problems with customers immediately. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to fix any issues the best way you can in order to keep current customers satisfied.
3. Recurring Issues
As we mentioned before, there are always going to be small problems when it comes to your cleaning business. If your employee makes a mistake, be sure to address the problem so everyone on your team is on the same page. Other than that, these issues should be filed under irrelevant business dealings. However, if you notice that the same small mistakes are happening repeatedly, that’s when you have a problem. Customers are more than likely going to be okay with a couple of small errors, but when the problem is not addressed and resolved you will begin to lose business.
4. Lack of Communication
In the world of housekeeping, you will likely have employees spread out all across town. That can make it hard to set up a weekly time to have a meeting with all your employees. However, that does not mean that you do not need to have some sort of communication system in place. Whether it’s a client concern, new procedures, or a company policy change, you have to find some way to be able to convey messages to your team.
Would you like to find out ways to fix these small problems before they turn into a bigger issue? Our team at ResortCleaning can help! We strive to help housekeeping services on every level. Sign up today for a demo to see how we can transform your business into the digital age!